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CBD Concentrates are one of the most potent ways to ingest CBD. As the name indicates, a concentrate (usually delivered in oil form) contains a much higher dose of hemp-derived CBD than you might typically find in a vape or regular tincture form. 

Concentrates deliver a high dose of cannabinoids straight to your system. Generally, for first-time users, it’s advised to begin your adventures with milder doses – and even for experienced users, a cautious approach is recommended when dealing with the stronger stuff. 

The best place to start, as is the case with any new substance, is by doing your research. Luckily enough you’re in the right place, as this article is a primer for experienced users and newbies alike. 

What is a CBD Concentrate?

CBD is one of the most popular and well-known cannabinoids found naturally in both the hemp and cannabis plant families. While breeders and producers are liable to use both, CBD is most commonly found in hemp plants and as a result, it’s highly likely that the majority of CBD products you’ll try will be of hemp origin also. 

Beyond simply having a naturally high occurrence of CBD, hemp’s protected status as a legal substance is also a key factor in the prominence of hemp-derived products. The Farm Bill, brought into law in December 2018, provided a legal differentiation between hemp and other cannabis strains due to the low levels of THC it contains. In simple terms – your average hemp product isn’t going to get you high. Which in the eyes of the law means, it’s a broadly trouble-free zone. 

While CBD concentrates contain a much higher dosage of CBD than related CBD products, the fundamentals remain the same. CBD provides a lighter, anxiety-relieving sensation, a more body-orientated feeling of relaxation, and does not have the associated ‘euphoric’ highs that THC does. So while in concentrate form you’ll be getting a bigger dose, you still won’t end up ‘intoxicated’ in the traditional sense. 

CBD Concentrate Variants 

Science has been able to uncover hundreds of ‘cannabinoids’ (psychoactive compounds that react with the brain’s cannabinoid receptors) – and as a result, different extraction methods can result in different types of products. As a general rule, there are three main types of CBD Concentrate that you’re likely to come across. 

While oil is one of the most popular forms of CBD concentrate, other forms of concentrate exist in the form of CBD crystals, CBD tinctures, CBD paste, and more – all of which can be added to other substances for consumption. 

The Entourage Effect 

What separates the different types of concentrate from each other? A reaction known as ‘the entourage effect’. Research suggests that the beneficial impacts of CBD are increased when combined with terpenes, flavonoids, and most specifically THC. The specific grouping of compounds lends itself to the ‘entourage’ name.  

While still less than the legal dose allowed (0.3%) the THC contained in full-spectrum CBD is thought to potentially increase the anti-inflammatory and pain relieving benefits of CBD – essentially it works to ‘activate’ the CBD at a stronger level, producing a more notable effect on the body. 

When shopping for full-spectrum CBD, be careful to ensure that your vendor is a hemp-based provider – states in which cannabis is legal may toe the line when it comes to THC content and can also use marijuana rather than hemp. At Finest Kind we are fully compliant to Georgia laws, so all our products are of hemp origin.  

Interested in the full list of benefits CBD is known to produce? Check out this article. 

What forms can CBD concentrate come in?

There are a number of ways to extract CBD concentrates and the different types and forms of concentrate can have some impact on strength and speed of action. An article from Medical News gives a quick rundown of the most common forms, that we’ve summarized for you below:

While the difference in preference is largely a subjective one, certain forms of concentrate are more potent than others – so as always – we advise you to do your research and practice a little caution when deciding which form of CBD concentrate might be right for you. Remember, whichever form you choose, these are high-dose CBD products, so always practice an element of caution and if needed consult a medical practitioner before you experiment. 

Where can I get some of this CBD Concentrate then?

We’re glad you asked.

Finest Kindispensaries has a wide variety of concentrate products, all available for legal purchasing and shipping in the state of Georgia. 

Visit the Finest Kind site to enjoy our product range today – any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out.